mistakes small businesses make in business development.
By Mike Sabellico, Business Consultant, Orange County SBDC.
Business Development can be the single most
challenging aspect
Here are several common mistakes made by small business
when attempting to create a defined Business Development Process:
Lack of any type or form of a business
development plan or Process: Most small companies created a business
plan when they launched and they likely had a section devoted to marketing or
business development. However, this is where the planning stopped and in most
cases, the business plan remains on a shelf, collecting dust and not creating
new business. To survive, a small-business must build a proactive business
development organization with realistic operational and tactical growth plans.
These plans should be living and breathing documents that change with the
environment and tactical business targets. In the absence of any defined
opportunity identification and qualification process, small businesses are
continually playing catch-up and find themselves responding to “pop up”
opportunities which are at best long shots without any real chance of success.
Sure, the business may get a win or two in this model, but there is no real
process which can be replicated for long term growth.
Inconsistent customer identification and
follow-up models: Most small businesses begin using the seller growth
model which is based on hard work and long hours to increase revenue and
identify new customers versus a consultative business approach which identifies
continuities and opportunities based on risk analysis and industry trends. Small
businesses which don’t transition to a proactive approach are constantly in a
reactive mode, responding to customers’ plans and will find it difficult to grow
and create new opportunities.
Poor business development leadership and no
business development staff: In small business, the strategic business
development leader is often the owner or president of an organization and is the
person who needs to be out working on the next deal - not trying to herd cats on
the business development team. The net result can be the loss of your best
business development person, a frustrated manager and an ineffective
organization. Small businesses either possess good business development
personnel or they don’t. I firmly believe in the saying, “you must make time to
do your business and also grow your business.” Business growth is never depicted
with a flat line; it’s either growing or declining. Identifying a business
development person or staff is difficult and especially so, when the company
leadership has minimal experience in that particular talent. When expanding the
team to include a business development position, reach out to organizations like
your local Small Business Development Center for assistance.
Lack of understanding of their customers' buying
process and needs: Many small-business development teams do not fully
understand how and why their targeted customers purchase their products and or
services. They neither know who the decision-makers are nor when a decision is
going to be made which limits any real BD growth. Not understanding the process
leaves you at a disadvantage against competitors who engage the customer early,
develop relationships, obtain valuable input and influence requirements. It’s
also vital to know what drives the client to choose your small business over
others? If you don’t know the answer yourself, what makes you think your
customer will? Trivializing client problems without asking questions and then
LISTENING to their answer is a key mistake.
Bottom Line: If you discover that any of
these mistakes sound familiar, find a resource you can trust, like your local
Small Business Development Center to fill the gaps. Growth is not a given in the
current business climate and just because it got you where you are now, it might
not get you where you need to go in the future.
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