Orange County SBDC
to host HSR Small Business Certification Workshop.
Wanting to insure that all who have
registered hav
However, there is a networking opportunity that is open to
all small businesses that are interested in learning more about the California
High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) and the goals established for small
business utilization.
Authority is committed to creating opportunities for small businesses with an
aggressive 30 percent goal of participation in California's high-speed rail
program," said Jeff Morales, Authority CEO. "We have been working to engage
small businesses and encouraging them to get involved. Many of our contracts are
long-term and will be a big boost economically for small businesses. We want to
help small businesses prepare to work on the project."
Authority's Small Business Advocate Robert Padilla added, "The initial
construction in the Central Valley is expected to cost $6 billion dollars and a
significant amount of that could go to certified small businesses. These
workshops are a critical part of the process for the Authority to partner with
California's small businesses."
County SBDC is proud to host a southern CA workshop.
When: May 15, 2013
AM to 12 Noon -- On-line Certification 11 AM to 12 Noon -- Networking Where: Rancho Santiago Community College Distrist 2323 N. Broadway, #107 Santa Ana, CA 92706
For those that
have registered for the certification portion of this workshop, your portion of
the event will begin at 9 AM.
participants should bring the following materials with them to the workshop:
The Orange County resource for government & corporate contracting.